Popular Science: How to be an expert in anything
What does it take to be successful in science and technology? Popular Science asked 13 experts from a variety of fields, including our guide, astrophysicist and television host Neil deGrasse Tyson. How to be an expert in anything is a long-form feature designed for Popular Science as part of their enhanced features initiative.
The layout came about by prioritizing the 13 experts. Three tiers were establish to organize the content. The first tier uses full bleed images and take up the site container’s full-width. The second tier uses an image and spans 2/3 the container, while the third tier has a sidebar aesthetic and expands 1/3 of the container. When the the three tiers are combined; they provide a varied experience.
The deliverables were created with Sketch, Abode Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Prototyped in InVision.